The second Christmas is here....

And so far the Italians are still holding there breath. There is no denying
in that the future looks really dark for them, but there is still hope.
that hope seems to extend into the new year.

Gen Diaz
Del Comandante di forze munite Italiane
Italian exile HQ
Little Italy, New York

Kaiserschlagt Gruppe
War Corspondant Cervice.
Discuss at the FORUMS

Italy on the brink of disaster.

This just in from the Italian foreign ministry.

"All Italian embassy's should prepare for the immediate destruction of any material that have been labled with the "top secret" or higher security clearance.
This is a early warning in preparation for the possibility that Italian government will be overtaken and forced to relocate abroad."

This message was intercepted as it was transmitted to all Italian foreign contingents.
This includes protectorates, colonies, embassies and military commands.

It seams likely that the Italian government prepares for a imminent relocation in the face of Austrian-Hungarian forces taking control of Rome.
A proposed relocation is New York city, USA. This has for a long time been heard as a very possible place for a exile government of Italy, in the circles of the educated and reporters with knowledge of the inner workings in the government.
Rumors has it that some of the bigger families in New York has already begun a financial founding and recruitment of willing men in it ranks, for a expeditionary force to the home land in the future.

Kaiserschlagt Gruppe
War Corspondant Cervice.
Discuss at the FORUMS

Österreichische Kriegnachrichten November 1915

Eine neue Dämmerung ist hier
für das prachtvollste Reich auf unserer Masse!
Das intensive Kämpfen von
Oktober hat rüber in November außerdem verschüttet geworden. Unser eben
verursacht 14 Korps ist jetzt auf der Bewegung vorwärts. Verbleit durch das
ausgezeichnete Kaiserjägers nahm es Kampf gegen italienische Auslesekräfte von
ihren Positionen entlang dem Tagliamento Fluß auf. Dieses Mal, obwohl die
Italiener für den Angriff vorbereitet wurden und in guten Auftrag vom
Schlachtaufstellungsort zurückzogen.
Später taten die
lokalisierten Italiener in der Isonzo Tasche eine wütende Gegenoffensive. Unsere
Verteidigung war die Abteilung des Knochens stark 20 Honved. Wir hielten unseren
Boden und die Italienerunfall entwickelten sich zu horrende Zahlen.
Das Ministerium der
Verteidigung erklärt jetzt, daß der Fall von Italien unmittelbar drohend ist und
daß der Krieg auf dieser Frontseite zu gesetzt werden sollte und en vor 1915
rüber sein.
Phasen sehnen sich unser
Kaiser Franz Joseph!

/Herzog Eugen


Kaiserschlagt Gruppe
War Corspondant Cervice.
Discuss at the FORUMS

Wargaming Viking style

This is how our future gaming table will look like. B-)

England attacks!!!

The German 9th Reserve Corps where attacked at 2:1 +1 odds by the British 2, 6 and 10 Corps, three hexes outside Paris, this must be seen as a good attack by the commonwealth troops.
KsK War Correspondant Crops

Encircled Italian forces.

This is the situation at present in north eastern Italy.

The 1st, 2nd, 4th and 6th Italian Corps plus independent divisions, brigades, regiments and cadres that are the encircled units in the NE Italy.
Future looks very grim for these units.
Hopefully there will be some of the thousands of men that will find there way back to Italian controlled land, so that they may take up arms again and avenge there fallen brothers.
KsK War Correspondant Crops

CP OCT II Western Front

Despite (or perhaps thanks to) many cadres the Germans managed to make 2 one hex attacks with 2 elite corps.
The effect was a DE and a DH-result on a 25p respectively 15p stacks.
The German fighter planes were aborted.
French recon planes were also aborted from concentrated AntiAir fire.

The Germans got reinforcements from east in from oform of 2 cadred divisions and 3 art regiments. Also 5 conversions of art regiments were made.
However 2 elite mountain divisions (1st and 2nd brAK) a were sent t o Balkans to make a push against the remnants of the Serbian Army and the Entente unit which has landed in Tessaloniki.

Once again the Entente managed to react on the critical part of the front where a a gap in the lines existed.
Also another reaction nearby prepared a French strategic withdrawal to shorten the the frontline.

The weather forecast for next turn is clear, giving hope to more linebreaking attacks.


Oct II Entente turn


Mid October saw the Italian National Will plumet to a terrefying 1.
This has the effect of widespread panic of the troops.
No attacks where possible due to the morale and loss of active leadership.

Express telegrams where sent to the major fighting Entente powers, England and France.
These in turn sent telegrams confirming the departure of forces.

Gen Diaz
New C-in-C Italian armed forces
Entente Southern Front
Eurpean Command

Oct I 15 - CP Turn, Southern Front

After completely encircling the Italian Isonzo Army, Austrian-Hungarian forces attempted two attacks.
These both attack failed to produce any real causalities, only forcing the defending Italian units into short retreats.

Unfortunately one of the attacking Italian corps involved in the attack where unable to retreat and was therefore eliminated.

This was a major loss in numbers for the Italian side, but both sides where exposing its combat supplies.
This in turn forced both sides to reorganize and redeploy its forces.

Gen Cardorna
C-in-C Italian Armed Forces
Entente Southern Front
European Command

Italian Commander in travel trouble

As I was riding the train to my field commander post, I was made aware of the fact that not all soldiers under my command recognize me.
The military police patrolling the train did not recognize me and had me leave the train at first possible station.

Now I see one or two hands out there wondering why I didn't identified myself to the MP's, but as it were, my trusted aide, Mr W. Allet was still at my personal retreat, with my identification papers.


This has the effect of postponing our defensive attacks until a future date. 

General Cardorna
C-in-C Italian Armed Forces
Entente Southern Front
European Command

CP OCT I 1915 and Oc tII 1915 Ent westfront

The German army did attack massively at the weakest part of the French line with 6:1 +1 odds.
Getting a HX result.
The French did however make a perfect retreat to 2 hexes as 2 active depots were equdistant from the battle field so no need for reaction movement to fill the holes.

The Entnente had many sucessful reaction rolls but not much could be done in them.
Only some preparations for reorganizations.

In the CP exploitation phase preparations for a giant 2- step reorganization fest was prepared.
So that in oct II the 2 Alpjäger (brAK1 and brAK2) divisions could be sent to south balkan for the AustroHungarian, German and Bulgarian offensive in Macedonia.

The entente october II 1915 started with a clear weather roll.
So the summer offensives can continue.
The Brits did some reorganizations, didn't even bother to check for any eventual odds.
The French did try strengthen the line but in a sucessful reaction with help from Falkenheyn himself the Germans made a 6:1 reacion attack at the weakest point again int the french lines.
Getting a HX result was devastating for the French but also the Germans are getting weary from having to cadre it's elite divisions.
However the Kaiserlische Garde is still intact so they can attack the the lines that French mad a futile attempt to repair in the exploitation.


Österreichische Kriegnachrichten Oktober 1915 (Teil zwei).

Am Anfang Oktober zwei wurden Hauptbetriebe von unseren Truppen durchgeführt, welche die Umzingelung der italienischen Isonzo Armee durchführen. Trotz des Mangels an notwendigen Versorgungsmaterialienwaren die Italiener in der Lage, von unseren Hauptangriffen erfolgreich zurückzuziehen. Jedoch informiert der Hauptsitz uns, daß "es nur ein Frage der Zeit ist, bevor die Italiener in unserer massiven Tasche überwunden werden".
Erzherzog Eugen von Österreich

Oct I 15 - Southern Front - Entente turn

After cleaning out the Italian high command from the its passive commanders, the new leadership showed strong will to do better.
One of the strongest Italian offencives since the Italians entered the war was undertaken.
Units from both the 3rd & 8th corps in addition to units stationed in Mestre, attacked the defending Austrian-Hungarian expedition force, 7 corps.
After the initial successfull recon a well coordinated attack was made, but the fiel troops where still efected by the old leaderships passivness and did not manage to overtake the Austrian-Hungarian forces.
It seems that they where well prepaird and dug in by the riverbanks.
After a week trying to push the Austrian-Hungarian 7 corps back towards Austria, the only result was very heavy losses in manpower for the Italians. Close to 63000 men had lost there lives or been injured very badly.
Lucky no heavy equipment were lost in the battle.

Austrian-Hungarian reinforcements has been seen to arrive at the scene. And some movements in the fast moving 7th corps seems to indicate more aggresive actions from the Austrians.

Gen Cardorna
Italian Armed Forces.

L'I ottobre 15 - parte anteriore del sud - girata di Entente

Dopo la pulitura verso l'esterno l'ordine alto italiano dai relativi comandanti passivi, la nuova direzione ha mostrato la volontà forte per fare più meglio. Uno dei offencives italiani più forti poiché gli italiani hanno entrato nella guerra è stato intrapreso. Unità sia dal terzo & ottavo corpo oltre che le unità disposte in Mestre, attacato la forza Austriaco-Ungherese difendente di spedizione, 7 corpi. Dopo che il successfull iniziale ricondizionato un attacco coordinato pozzo sia fatto, ma il fiel si aduna dove ancora efected dal vecchio passivness di leaderships e non stato riuscito a sorpassare le forze Austriaco-Ungheresi. Sembra che dove prepaird buono e scavato dentro dai riverbanks. Dopo che una settimana che prova a respingere i 7 corpi Austriaco-Ungherese verso l'Austria, l'unico risultato sia perdite molto pesanti nella forza di lavoro per gli italiani. Vicino a 63000 uomini aveva perso là le vite o aveva danneggiato molto male. Fortunato nessun'apparecchiatura pesante è stata persa nella battaglia. I rinforzi Austriaco-Ungheresi è stato visto per arrivare alla scena. Ed alcuni movimenti nel settimo corpo muoventesi veloce sembra indicare le azioni più aggresive dagli Austriaci.


Gen Cardorna
C-in-C Italian Armed Forces
Entente Southern Front
Europe Command

Österreichische Kriegnachrichten Oktober 1915.

Die Reports von unseren Stange Kopftruppen sind knapp. Aber unbestätigte Reports vom prachtvollen Kaiserschutzen erklärt uns, daß Betrieb Eisenring jetzt durchgeführt wird. Dieses konnte gebildet werden nachdem die wütenden Gegenangriffe, die von drei italienischen Korps gebildet wurden.
/Hauptkommando Tirol

Entente Oct I 1915 Western front.

The weather stayed clear.

The French started to make rebuilding of cadres with the newly found reserves.
Wonder these soldiers had been all the time?
Perhaps on the Riviera but as they heard that the Huns are starting to threaten Lyon and if it falls then the way to the the Beaches in the south, they returned to the front.
But still the Germans can find corps to attack but they can only attack one and with only the best of the best to get 6:1 odds. It would be better to get 2 4:1 +1 odds but it's not anymore possible.

The Belgians started to make some scrapping so they can later rebuild some unit and get more units into the Belgian exile corps.

The Germans failed all reactions rolls (10 tries on 5-6!) giving the French some time to strengthen the lines.
In the exploiation the French move some more cadres to positions were they can be rebuilt.

Sep II 15, Southern Front, Entente report

No reinforcements for the Italians.
The Sp light XX moves to Mestre, just outside Venice to defend. 3 Army HQ moves to support the defence of Venice.

The Battle for Venice and the north eastern Italy has begun.
The battle is preluded by the wars first major bombarment strike, this is joint massive bombardment by units from the artillery corps, naval units in the port of Venice and low level bombers.
After the bombarment, lasting for 2 days, the attack i suddenly stopped.
It seems to be a general failure in the Italian high command. This opend for a rapid response by the Austrian-Hungarian forces already stage at the eastern and northern borders.
Moving fast they captured undefended land and meet no resistance at all.
This how ever lead to very thin support and supply lines extending over enemy territories.
Stopping short of a full encirclement of the Italian 2nd Army, they seemd to prepair for the next stage by early October.

Gen Cardorna
Italian Armed Forces.

CP Sep II 1915 western Front

The German was eager to follow up the the success from the previous reaction phase.
But the French lines are getting more dense all the time.
Anyway there was 2-3 possible targets.
The Germans massed their best troops and got a 6:1 odds which resulted in a DH without getting modified by MGs and Art.
At that point it was discovered that French had counted wrong when calculating DH losses.
They calculated divisions getting cadred only the difference between division and cadre sides, not the full defense point from the division as it should been.
An appr. calculation was made that the about 4 real DH results previously would have resulted in about 48p MP points less than was taken.
So these points was returned to the French MP pool to be used for replacements.
Wonder how much they calculated wrong in the BX,DX and DL results.
These results happened mainly last during fall/winter 14-15 against trenches and fortresses.

The germans got back some divisions from the eastern front.
2 Guards divisions was returned but not in the shape they were sent. They got back as cadred.
However they are now were they belong as and at full strength.

The French once again managed the close the gap in the lines with sucessful reactions in the area.

Entente Sep II 1915 Western front

The French rebuilt some units to try to stop the Germans in the south.

Somewhat unexpected help came from the Belgians, they rebuilt a cavalry cadre which could be converted to a full division if 2 other cavalry divisions were removed from replacement pool.
So they did. They also called up the training units, 3x 4-6-4 divisions.
Also some plans to make some scrapping was mentioned but first a check to not scrap units which can be used in useful conversions/upgrade/reorganization must be made.

The Brits was looking for a 2:1 attack on 9R corps but when the recon planes failed to see how the corps was organized in the trenches the Brits cancelled the attack.

The Germans rebuild the 4 cadred divisions. in the reaction phase the Germans reacted once again at the weakest point in the French lines.
The four rebuilt cadres and the elite formations deployed there came in handy to make a 6:1 attack from three hexes and not even needed to use combat supply.
The German recon planes made their job and the flying circus intercepted and aborted french bombers. However the german flak forgot to fire as they saw the French bombers burning in the skies so the rest of the French ground support came through.
The gas engineers and the heavy cavalry failed their attempt to use their specialty abilities.
The odd was a straigth 6:1, would have been 5.3:1 if the French would have used a combat supply.
The result from die roll was DR but as they French MG and Art hade made their job it turned into a HX leaving a cadre left on the french side of the fromerly 23p strong stack and making a 12-14-5 division cadred.

In the exploitation the French tried to prepare the lines for another CP assault in the coming turn and The Brits moved forward some reserves.

Some rumours of the wars first bombardment was heard from the Italian front but as the communications are poor nothing is confirmed yet.

Western front rest of Sep I 1915

The French did it again. They got succesful reaction roll where the Germans had made a hole in t he lines.
The Germans did some arrangements in exploitation for rebuilding 4 cadres to full strength and to prepare for 2 x 3-8-5 MG X to 4x 4-8-5 MG X conversions.
Also some Artillery conversions are prepared.

The remaining 4 reorganizations of divisions will propably have to wait until the mud period starts as the involved unit are spread along the front and are probably needed there either to defend against British assaults or to attack the weak French forces in the south.

A Great War Naval Campain blog

This seems like an other blogg that might be fun to read, as it also covers the Great War, but with the focus on the naval war during the time period.
Here is the link Great War naval campain, a SeeKrieg5 macro game.

/War Corspondant Service

Pardon for Brittish soldiers

When this came to me from a friend, you start to wounder how they are supposed to pull this off?

LONDON - British soldiers who were executed by the military for cowardice during World War I will be pardoned, the Defense Ministry said Tuesday, following a lengthy campaign by the family of one such soldier.

Defense Secretary Des Browne said the government would seek parliamentary approval to issue pardons for the 306 soldiers who were executed.

As the sender put it: Will they digg them up and tell them that they are free and can go home now?

Until next update,
this is war corspondant


From a war thorn Europe.

Mon Falcone, Odinese and the southern front.

Sept I 15, Southern Front.

News spread around the Italian border of the agressive attacks from the Austrian-Hungarians. This made the high command withdraw some units from the front lines to strenghten the defences in the back areas around Izonso river battle areas.
Unfortunatly the withdraw resulted in a somewhat chaotic deployment of the forces. This left the BTag unit alone in the middle between Mon Falcone and Odinese, exposed by a heavy attack by Austrian-Hungarian forces that had been reinforced by strong elite units, from the Kaisers own jaegers.

The 5:1 battle resulted left no defending Italian forces after the attack and Austrian-Hungarian forces marched in after combat to claim the battlefield.
Later on an second agressive move left an other 30-40km of Italian soil in Austrian-Hungarian hands and a responding Italian force far away.

An Italian attack in the northern borderfront resulted in heavy Italian losses, in the neighbourhood of 7-8000 soldiers got killed or where take prisoners. Wich in contrast to the meer 2-2500 Austrian-Hugarian losses meant a heavy dent in the commanding general Cardornas good recordbook soo far.
A quick march had taken the Italian forces to just under the nose of the Austrian-Hugarian forces that unfortanatly, have had the time to dig in and reinforce there positions.
The long planed attack att sunrise was turned into a blood shead by dusk as the retreating Italians hastly made it back to thier own lines.

It seems that the general staff suffers from late summer illness as they have contributed nothing to the battles in this area. Even the great general Cardorna has faild to lead in a forceful manner.

What might be a somewhat positive note is that the heroic Italian Air Force, Regio Aeronautica, manage to bomb the factories so much that they seased to produce for this turn.

This ends the report from the southern front.

Gen Cardorna
Italian Armed Forces

Most of September I 1915 Western Front

For the French the production turn came as a relief as the replacements were badly needed.

In the most critical part of the western, the south, the French left Dijon fortress to it's destiny trying to retreat the troops from being encircled through a thin corridor back to own lines.
The Germans did not react even if the were plenty of HQ and even Falkenheyn.
So the French could continue to move away from risk of encirclement.
In the German turn however they got hit hard. A furious 3 hex attack supported by lots of recon, a fighter squadron, gas engineers and with some help from the tactical genius of Falkenheyn resulted in a 1 DH, 1 HX and one DR. And the DR result was against a completely encircled corps which got totaly annihilated, except for for some retreating soldier getting back to thelines through special replacements.

French retreated in the central part of the western front from behind Meuse river to the Seine.
The Germenas reacted somewhat moving forward some corps and in the German turn they moved in more corps and dug in beside the French lines.

In ther northern part the Brits made their part of the frontline one hex longer.
Question is how long will it take before the northern France will become a part of Great Bretagne sorry Britain.
The German did som reorganizations which made their lines stronger.

The next time we'll see if the French will react, especially at the two hex hole in their lines in the south. And if not then will the Germamns be brave enough to exploit the hole?

Loss of ground at the Izonso riverbanks

Late August saw a suprise attack by the Austrian-Hungarian forces in the southern part of the Izonso battlefield.
The fast moving units managed to penetrate 30-40km into Italian territory before settling down into defencive positions.

This forced the Italian army into a tactical repositioning of its Izonso Army.
This hasty operation was even harder as the Austrian-Hungarians had managed to hit and destroy the Army HQ.

The Italian high command is sorry to inform that once Italian lands has once again been forced into the hands of the Hun vassals.
But be assaured that we will fight and take back our historicaly owned land.

General Cardorna
Italian Armed Forces

Triest production reduced!

Finaly the heroic pilots of the Italian air force manage to bomb the factories in Triest.
The light AA located around the factipories did not manage to harm the attacking bombers and zepeliners more then lightly.

This sucessful bombing mission vill reduce the efficency for the next production cycle.

General Cardorna.
Italian Forces

Entente and CP AUG II 15 West Front

The French was preparing defenses once again against the German offensive.
THe British was calucalting for an attack but not the odds were not good enough so they prepared for exanding the their frontline southwards to help the French.

The CP did make an reaction attack which was a DE success. The hex was right outside Dijon.
Entente tried with success to repair the broken line in the exploitation to atleast a thin line.

CP depleted the Prussian manpower pool and still there are a few units in the replacement pool and a a couple of cadred divisions.

In the German combat phase 2 attacks were made. One few hexes south of Dijon and one NW of the fortress.
Getting an EX and DR was a partial sucess.
The german corps was not considered to be strong enough to make an full incirclement of the 3 corps in and south of Dijon. So one way out in the south of the fortress was left open.
So they French are given an opportunity to leave the pocket but hopefully atleast one French corps will be destroyed and Dijon be take.
Soon the French loss in moralpoints due casualties, lost fortresses and Zeppelin bombings will lead to French general demand to end the war and give CP the rights they have for so long been denied.

In the the reaction Entente withdraw some French corps from the frontline in a start of a general withdrawal and the British mad som preparing for making upgrades to their units.

Soon will the Ententes version follow. And more of the big events that occured in the Italian front.
Hopefully some pictures of the situation from the fronts also.

German High Command

CP AUG I 1915 additions

In addition to the Entente report the Germans reinforced the previously attacked hex so now it has the defense of 113 points while the War's first fort is beeing built on the frontline.

Ent Aug I 1915

The French tried to again to build a line in the far most south of the west front. Some kind line was put up but some stacks were quite weak.
In the north the British made a daring attack on a 93 point entrenched stack.
Getting only 2:1 but a heap of bonus +1 rolls to make.
The 2 recon flights failed likewise the 2 engineer attempts.
But the gas engineers succeeded and likewise the armored cars.
So with the moral bonus they managed to avoid the risk of getting an AX result.
On 6 they would even get a DX and of course it was what they got.
So with the lower British casualties than German the reporters wrote home that a big battle was won and soon the victory will come.
The French were atleast happy that not all of the German replacement would not end up against the French.

The CP did get a reaction roll in the south getting DR (and this time the French machine guns and artillery did let the troops retreat) and an DE result.
In explotation the French fixed the lines somewhat after the reaction attacks.

In Italy everything seemed still however some Italian calculations on odds were made before deciding the odds were hopeless even for Cardorna to try an assault.

The German High Command

Aug I 15 CP turn - Entente report.

The French B34 corps, had a bad day when strong German troops attacked them at overwhelming 5:1 odds.
This attack where made on the anniversary of the opening of the war.

The German forces has been doing a shifting of forces towards the southern front during the first half of the year. This seems now to done as there where an increase of activity of the German forces.
In addition to the attack mentioned abow, two more major attacks where done in the southern sector.

One attack NE of Auxerre against the 33 corps crippled the corps severely. Only a cadre strength unit of the 12th division survived an are now holding position.

As the 15 corps suffered as hard as the other corps attacked during this August offensive. This despite being dug in and having made defensive preparations.

As it now looks, the French southern front are close to a collapse and that might open the road to Paris for the German forces.
The only strong forces on French soil seems to be the ever increasing number of English and Commonwealth troops.
This August saw the first of the elite-classed ANZAC troops arrive at the theatre.

Only the future can show if the Central Powers are stoppable before reaching Paris.

London bombed and the French luck.

London where attacked by German zepperliners for the first time, mid July.

The attack did not cause any major harm to the docks or factories in London.

Once again does the Gods of fortune smile upon France.
The German forces in the south where once again in position to make a breakthrough, but the fast reactions of French troops just behind the lines, did fill the small hole in a hurry.

We are approaching the one year start of the war.
This will offcourse be appropriately celebrated.
Talks of baileys has been heard around the map.

An other WWI wargame

This is the introduction to an other WWI wargame, to witch I found the link at the Consimworld site:

The First World War is a board wargame made by the Dutch game company Phalanx Games and distributed in the United State by Mayfair Games. It is a strategic-level game of the three primary theaters of the war in Europe, covering the western theater of France and Belgium, the southern theater in Italy, and the eastern theater from the Baltic Sea to Greece. Notably absent are Ottoman Turkey and the Middle East; these are not geographically as far removed from the scope of the game as, say, the western African battles of Count Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck. Also absent are any naval forces. That does not, however limit the dramatic scope of the game, or in any way diminish the magnitude on which the battles rage.

The game is designed by Ted Raicer, one of the game world’s foremost boardgame experts on World War I. Of the seventeen games credited to him on, well over half cover some aspect of WWI, and another deals with the Russian Revolution, which directly affected the pullout of the Russians from The Great War.

The review is on "The Wargamer" site, head over there and read it.


Jul II Entente - French

The French tried to rebuild their lines after disastrous effect on it from the German onslaught.
The French gave up a fortress to make the frontline one hex shorter.
The line looks nice however at closer inspection not all Corps are adequate manpowered to resist the German elite Corps.
The Brittish reinforced their lines. Soon half of the Westfront will consist of Brittish corps filled troops from all over the Empire.

The Germans did a successful reaction roll but it was not on the French weakest point this time.
But to keep up the French losses a entrench assault was ordered.
It was successful in giving the French a blow but the German losses was higher than hoped for.
The Result was a BX and not DX as hoped for.
The exploitation move was done in an attempt to strenghten the lines against the German turn.


The final steps of Jul I '15

The final phases of Central powers turn Jul I there were some critical moments for the Entente during the reactions phase.
They had 3 HQ in reach for blocking a German exploitation in the 2 holes created during previous combat.
1 HQ could react so that both holes could be filled. the other 2 one each.
Of course the the one who had the most pressure to do something did react.
So the Germans did only move some forces back to be rebuilt or converted in exploitation.

The German Zeps did their work.
Only one squadron flew lost and return to base.
But the rest flew to 2 different hexes of Paris and all hit their targets.
So the already hammered French morale dropped 2 more points.

Rest of Jul I 1915 CP turn

The final phases of Central powers turn Jul I there were some critical moments for the Entente during the reactions phase.
They had 3 HQ in reach for blocking a German exploitation in the 2 holes created during previous combat.
1 HQ could react so that both holes could be filled. the other 2 one each.
Of course the the one who had the most pressure to do something did react.
So the Germans did only move some forces back to be rebuilt or converted in exploitation.

The German Zeps did their work.
Only one squadron flew lost and return to base.
But the rest flew to 2 different hexes of Paris and all hit their targets.
So the already hammered French morale dropped 2 more points.

Failed Italian strategical bombardment

Front News!

The glorious Italian Corpo Aeronatico Militare made an atemt to bombard the Austrian-Hungarian factories at Triest.


After a very well coordinated attack from two airfields with the Ca-2 unit from Padova and the great Parseval zepeliner unit from Rimini, the attack it self failed, making no significant damage to the factories or the town.

General Cardorna
C-in-C Italian Forces

Jul II 15 - Entente, Italia.

Mid-summer has come, and the war at the Italian - Austrian border has somewhat lessend in intencity.

It feels like both parties are re-building some combat efficancy at the Izonso area.
The middle sector has been quite since the start of the agressions.
The north western border and the 1st battle for the Alps has seen the Austrian-Hungarian forces making some, very light, reinforcements to the defences.
Both sides seems as ill-supplied in that sector.

Is there hope for a good intervention by Gen Cardorna this turn?
Well that is something only time can tell.

More combat reports will follow.

General Cardorna
C-in-C Italian forces.

This is the activity to expect from the French

This is photographic evidence of the major activities on the French sides.
As seen on this picture, a very hi level of readiness is to be expected.

General Ferdinand Foch

French Border Army

Jul I 1915 - Italian Front

The summer is almost in it peak here at the Italian - Austrian-Hungarian borders.
With hot weather and lots of sun the pace of the fighting has dwindle some, but as usual, the glories Italian forces are at work, maybe not in the most visible way, but still.

The Battles of Izonso (BoI) is now official started as General Cardorna intervened in the last weeks of June to tip a battle in favor of Italy.
During the initial weeks of July the 1st battle ended with fantastic results for the Italian army. We have liberated a very large part of land witch has been occupied by Austrian-Hungarian troops for so long. These lands are now in the hands of its proper owners again.

It is now time for the troops to restock, resupply and have the reinforcements get up to speed with trench warfare. So that the whole area can be liberated in time for the fall harvest times and celebrations.
After the combat readiness has been raised to the ordered level, the summer attacks will commence.

General Cardorna
CinC Italian Forces
Entente Southern European Front

Jul I 1915

On West Front the AngloFrench forces believed that it is All Quiet On The Western Front.
They even didn't bother to build fieldworks in their new line on the most southern part of the front.
The German reaction was to make a reaction attack on a poorly defended hex there.
The result was an EX after as usual the Entente machine guns and artillery made the battlefield into a bloody mess instead of letting their own troops retreat.
Then the French tried in exploitation fill in the gap from the reaction combat.
But as they did that they retreated so the Germans who took the losses was no longer in ZOC and hence could be rebuild in following initial.
And being again at full strength they could yet again attack and get new losses in combat phase.
However their losses from a HX-result was not in vain as the hex they now posses make the situation for 3 French corps dangerously close to be trapped between German troops and Swiss border.
Another attack was mad also close to Dijon. it was also turned into an EX by French MG and Art. However the hex is important. Soon the mustard fields of Dijon will be German and the French will not be able to have any mustard on their hot dogs.

Still is to see if our Zeppeliners can yet again make a successfull attack on military target in Paris. And if the French can make some reaction moves so we cannot exploit the gaps in the French lines

Feldmarschall von Falkenheyn

Heroic countercharge at Izonso

The end of June saw hard fights att the lower parts of the river Izonso. The Italians made a massive countercharge against the Austrian-Hungarian 15th Mountain Rifle Corps. The same corps that earlier in the month attack and inflicted minor damage to our victorius 1st Heavy Cavallry Corps.

The Italian early summer run started at the north eastern part, close to the Suisse border, where a strong Austrian-Hungarian pioneer force where eliminated in an massive charge and blody attack.
Further east along the border, a major fortification area where attacked and sieged by the glorius 8th Corps with assistance of some of our greates mountain trained artillery and rifle units.

All this where just minor diversion for setting up the heroic countercharge at Izonso. Leading the charge where the lightly damaged 1st Heavy Cavalry Corps, supported by the 2nd and 3rd elite Corps.
The defenders made a strong case at defending the eastern bank and the surounding hills, at one point the outcome of the battle looked like it might be a total elimintaion of the Austrian-Hungarian forces. But there where some very well trained heavy infantry troops manning the last machinegun nests. And that resulted in the loss of large numbers of our young Italian men.
Men that is supposed to work in the factories, in the wineyards, at the farms.
Men that is supposed to care for thier family, care for thier parents, care for thier land.
And for thier land, thier friends, thiere family, for these they have gloriously sacrificed them selves so that we can regain lost lands from the hands of our enemies, the Austrian_Hungarian devils.


Gen Cardorna
C-in-C Italian Forces
Entente Southern Front
Europe Command

Österreichische Kriegnachrichten Juni 1915.

Glorious Counter Offensive by the Armee Isonzo

The main thrust carried out by the 15th Mountain Rifle Corps, aided by two support corps, was a grosse success. The Italian Cavalry Corps was throwed back over the river Isonzo with moderate casualties on both sides. The remnants of the 15th Corps is now preparing defenses along the river to meet the awaited Italian retaliation.


General Eugen
C-in-C Austrian-Hungarian Forces
Central Powers Southern Front
Europe Command

Monfalcone, the second clash at sea!

The initial first clash of the two gigants in the Adriatic sea whent on for the whole day. The tight confinments of the blight at Monfacone meant that there where limited manovering space and little in the way of tactical manovers.

The Italian-British fleet lost a total of two task forces, a British pre-dreadnought and one armored cruiser task force. In addition to this a further four Italian taskforces suffered minor and major losses, crippeling the fleet.
Meanwhile the Austrian-Hungarian fleet lost six task forces and took variable losses to an other four task forces. The remaining Italian-British fleet manage to put some distance between the two fleets and steam to open waters, waiting for a French fleet on rout from Malta.

The movement away from the Austrian-Hungarian fleet took them into gunnery range of some coastal defence guns. These just making minor damage to the escaping fleet. After two days in relative calmness the Frenche fleet join4d up with the British-Italian and together the much needed reinforced fleet steamed into the Monfalcone blight again for the second major sea battle of the month.

R. Admiral Beatty
Entente Naval Forces

Naval combat in the bay of Monfalcone

The later parts of May contained the first major naval combat of the War.
Early rounds of the clash saw the Italian navy getting some hits on the Austria-Hungarian naval units. At first the battle was a tactical draw with the both combatants having minor hits on the other side. As the battle got more intense, some major hits where scored.
One of the Royal Navy's task force, that where sent to reinforce the Italian forces, where the first to sustain fatal hits. only minor supporting ships could limp out of the battle and reach safe harbours.

As this report is written, the battle is not ower.
Further reports will follow.

R.Admiral Beaty
Entente Naval Forces

The hard reality of trench warfare

During the past weeks there has been at large outbreak of flu and other mysterius illnes in the trench-lines in France and Italy.
This has effected the fighting capabiliies of the participants in the War to end all wars.

The latest casulty to this minor plauge to hit the westfron was the Austrian-Hungarian leader.

This has had the effect of a rather quiet front in the west.
Before this period of illness the Italians where making early fighting with the Austrian-hungarian forces on its borders in the Alps and to the east.

Compared to the battles in France these clashes might be considered minor or even just border scrimishes. But they have a great impact on the forces involved.

The Italians have finaly meet the elephant and has realiesed the cruel reality of war, especially a war in high moutain terrain.
So far the Austrian-Hungarian forces have not made that a big of a reaction, but it will surly come in due time.

Gen Cardorna
C-in-C Italian Armed Forces
Entente Southern Front
Europe Command

Flue die roll +2

A failed flu die roll from the Italian CinC, Gen Cadorna, got the gaming prosponed this week.
With the die modifier up to +2 at the time for an extra flu die roll, the Italien leader faild the target number narrowly. And the battles had to be prosponed until next week.

Gen Cardorna
C-in-C Italian Armed Forces
Entente Southern Front
Europe Command

A new country gets involved in the war.

So has the time com for a new part to get involved in the war to end all wars.
The southern front has opend as Italy has entered the war on the Entente side. With furious attacks along its entire border with Austria-Hungary, Italy lashes out with all it strenght.
With much of the Alps as the terraing in wich to fight, tha battles where bloody, even thou the sizes of the forces involved doesn't nearly match that in the French - German border.

But never the less, the Italians losst more than 160000 men during the initial battles. With the loss of mearly 40000 soldiers for the Austrian-Hungarian forces, admittedly a rather large part of the forces deployed in the area, the ratio was a positive number for the Italian genral staff, Gen Cardorna comments.
Still in the middle of May, we might se some more operations from the Italians. And surly there will be some Austrian-Hungarien responses to these events.

Front reports from
Gen Ferdinand Foch.