Giant German stacks at French border


This is one giant stack at of German units at the French border.

As you can see, the town of Briey is next to the stack, and it has a major coal resorce in hex.

The reaction is in the pipe.

This sunday, the German troops in Western Europe will react upon the French and Belgian actions.

In the deep, dark Africa, the defenders of the free people in the world will pick up arms and oppose the threats from German colonial troops and their barbarian allies.


Kaiserschlagt Gruppe
War Corspondant Cervice.
Discuss at the FORUMS

The War has begun

The war has begun (again), as seen here, the German Elite forces storms into little Belgium. The result of the first battles of the war and in Belgium got the Liege fortress troops eliminated. And Brussels is in dire need of support...


Kaiserschlagt Gruppe
War Corspondant Cervice.
Discuss at the FORUMS